Board of Directors

The members of the Board of directors are as follows:
1. Dr. Kostandinos Dounas, Biologist, Research Director in the Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture (IMBBC) of the Hellenic Centre of Marine Research (HCMR).
President of the Hippocampus Marine Institute
2. Vasilis Mentogiannis, Mechanical Engineer, Commercial  Diving/Underwater Works, Underwater Documentation (UFR Team)
Vice-president of the Hippocampus Marine Institute
3. Kostantinos Katsioulis, Computer engineer, Dive Instructor (NGUE)
Dive officer/diver training, Information Technology of the Hippocampus Marine Institute
4. Dr. Yolanda Koulouri is an Assistant Researcher at the Hellenic Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology, Genetics and Aquaculture in Crete Scientific Coordinator / research programms of the Hippocampus Marine Institute
5. Elina Samara, Marine Biologist, Ichthyologist for the Fisheries Research Institute (FRI), Dive Instructor (PADI/CMAS 2*)
Field biology/Research officer of the Hippocampus Marine Institute
6. Grigoris Tasios, President of the Halkidiki Hotel Association, Deputy General Secretary of the Hellenic Federation of Hoteliers, 1st Vice President of Greek Tourism Confederation, board member of the Hellenic Federation of Hoteliers
Strategic Planning and Development director

President of the Hippocampus Marine Institute is Dr. Kostandinos Dounas.
Vice-president and Managing Director is Mr. Vasilis Mentogiannis.

Tax Information

VAT number: 997086373/Pallini
Activity: Institute of Underwater Research
Adress: Aitolias 2-4, Pallini, ΤΚ15351, Attica, Greece