Second Park Construction
Construction of the second Park
In May 2017, we decided to place artificial structures and habitats in a second spot, almost in front of the beach bar “Paraty”.
In that area we measured the highest abundance during the transects performed in 2016, along with a small sea grass meadow. The park consists of a rope parallel to the shore, at the depth of -12m (held down by small rods at a small distance from the sea floor) and four rope squares measuring 5X5m, as depicted in following sketch.
Square Π2 would encompass the small sea grass meadow, while square Π4 would contain the artificial plants.
The construction rope was yellow and of positive buoyancy. Perimetrically the park would be denoted by buoys, as in the first park.
The depths of the park are noted on the sketch where Π1 and Α-Β-Γ-Δ are the depths of each point of the Π1 square. At the end of the sketch, the depths of the buoys are depicted.
All the squares and holdfasts are denoted with underwater marking signs.
A rough sketch of the rope structures in the second park in front of “Paraty” Beachbar.
Τα βάθη του δεύτερου πάρκου, όπου «Π1» είναι το όνομα του κάθε σχοινένιου τετραγώνου και τα γράμματα είναι τα βάθη σε κάθε γωνία του, τα Α,Β,Γ,Δ
Τοποθέτηση των πρώτων τεχνητών φυτών
Το τμήμα Π2
Το φυσικό λιβάδι Cymodoceas που περιλαμβάνεται στο Π2
Τα πινακάκια σήμανσης
Ο πρώτος μας κάτοικος στα νέα τεχνητά φυτά
Μετρήσεις των αποστάσεων
Μεταφέροντας τα υλικά για τη κατασκευή του πάρκου
Κατασκευή του πάρκου
Κατά την κατασκευή
Η Cymodocea nodosa
Άποψη των νέων τεχνητών φυτών με τον πρώτο κάτοικο