DNA Samples

DNA Analysis
As per instructions by Dr. Kostadinos Dounas, two mature, seahorse individuals had to be captured, a male and a female, in order to be sent as samples for DNA analysis in the HCMR laboratory in Creta. After some searching in the area, 2 individuals were captured, 1 male and 1 female at -10m depth. We then went to the chemist lab of the mine, where with the help of chemist Emannuil Daftsis we drugged the seahorses with magnesium chloride and then placed them in separate containers with pure alcohol, for their preservation until they reached the laboratory in Crete. A third seahorse sample was obtained while we were visiting the fishing harbor of Stratoni, where a fisherman informed us of a seahorse he had just caught in his nets. We immediately placed him in the freezer until he was sent to HCMR, along with the other two samples.

Τα τρία δείγματα που στάλθηκαν στο ΕΛΚΕΘΕ

Νάρκωση του ιππόκαμπου με χλωριούχο μαγνήσιο

Νάρκωση του ιππόκαμπου με χλωριούχο μαγνήσιο και διάλυμα αλκοόλης