
10/05/2019 1st International Marine Biology Summer School 2019 with main and exclusive objective the Hippocampus of Stratoni Colony
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18/04/2019 An educational presentation about seahorses, for the children of Pallini 8th Elementary School  
09/11/2018 Less nets, more seahorses: One tonne of ghost nets were removed from the sea floor of Stratoni, Chalkidiki
11/04/2018 An educational presentation about seahorses, for the children of Gerakas kindergarden  
29/05/2017 An educational presentation about seahorses, for the children of Stratoni kindergarden, on the premises of HMI next to the fishing harbour  

Informational presentation to the local people of Stratoni in the Community Centre, after the invitation of the president, Mr. Nikolaos Zagorakis. The local community was informed about the sensitive and vulnerable seahorse population inhabiting their coast. Until today they have been located ONLY in this spot it is therefore very important to protect them if we don’t want to see them disappear 

01/10/2016 The first organised visit and dive by recreational divers in the coast of Stratoni  
25/09/2016 The first organised diver training beside the area where the seahorses are located