
Machine Learning and Real Time Monitoring for the conservation of marine life with emphasis on seahorses

We are happy to announce that the cooperation Project between Hippocampus Marine Institute and uNdersea visiOn sUrveillance System (NOUS) has been selected for an Artificial Intelligent for Earth Microsoft Azure Compute Grant with the project title: “Machine Learning and Real Time Monitoring for the conservation of marine life with emphasis on seahorses“. The project will start […]

Annual report for the year 2020 and action plan for the year 2021

Following the report of 2019 – 2020, in which all the actions of the institute were described up to the action of the Educational presentation to the children of the 87th Primary School of Thessaloniki for the hippocampus, on January 14, 2020, we continue for the rest of 2020 and our planning for 2021. Unfortunately, […]

Scientific Paper

Scientific Paper “Field studies of seahorse population density, structure and habitat use in a semi-closed north-eastern Mediterranean marine area (Stratoni, north Aegean Sea)”, Journal: Journal of Fish Biology. Download the paper

Annual report for the year 2019 and action plan for the year 2020

The year that just passed was a landmark year for us, since our efforts from all previous years have formally acquired their own unique status, with the establishment of the “Hippocampus Marine Institute” – HMI. HMI has “inherited” all the results from the many years of effort, the know-how and experiences gained throughout this period […]

The HMI’s on DIVE PACIFIC, New Zealand’s Dive Magazine

The Vice President of HMI-Hippocampus Marine Institute Mr Vasilis Mentogiannis shares how the HMI’s setup up to study seahorses with the DIVE PACIFIC, the New Zealand’s Dive Magazine. The Hippocampus Marine Institute give answers why conduct research in Stratoni, Halkidiki and how rare are the seahorses that have been encountered. Special thanks to Divesoft. The HMI […]

The HMI’s on DIVE LOG, Australia’s Premier Scuba Dive Magazine

The Vice President of HMI-Hippocampus Marine Institute Mr Vasilis Mentogiannis shares the HMI’s exceptional efforts with the DIVE LOG, the Australia’s Premier Scuba Dive Magazine. The Hippocampus Marine Institute’s special focus positively influences the Greek Marine Ecosystem. Special thanks to Divesoft. The HMI is so grateful for Divesoft‘s support with superior quality specialized diving equipment! Download the article

Ghostfishing mission in Stratoni, May 2019

Video about mission in Stratoni, Halkidiki, Greece last May which carried out by Healthy Seas and Ghost Fishing Greece. Hippocampus Marine Institute supported this mission! As you can see, visibility was great at 20 meters depth and the team managed to pull out 2 tons of ghostnets. Thanks also to AquaTec Diver Training, UFR Team […]

Presenting the Hippocampus of the Strymonic Gulf

The HMI will present the case “Hippocampus of the Strymonic Gulf” during the European Maritime Day event in Thessaloniki, with the title «One Sea. A Common Culture. A Great Future» that will be held on the 26th June 2019, at NOESIS Thessaloniki Science Center & Technology Museum, Greece. The agenda

Notification – International Marine Biology Summer School/Survey, with main and exclusive objective the Hippocampus of Stratoni Colony in Stratoni Chalkidiki

More than ten years have passed since we first encountered a colony of seahorses in a particularly small, coastal zone. Nowhere else in Greece, are we aware of a place where we can always and surely encounter seahorses. We can also say that it is a very rare phenomenon for the Mediterranean. In this particular […]