Survey Maps

Exploratory Dives
The purpose of the dive was to investigate the coastal zone immediately after the loading tower of the Mining Facility. We took a route from the northern mooring: depth from -11m, up to about 30m, after the last hut, swimming parallel to the coastline. From the shore slope to -5m, a large Posidonia meadow with white sea breams and other fish species were observed. In the middle of the route we found materials from the shore, decayed leaves, woods, etc., following the course the Posidonia meadows continued. We met a large number of octopus mainly from half to one kilogram in size. There were also a large number of sea urchins and fan shells (Pina nobillis). NO SEAHORSES WERE SPOTTED

Karvunoskala Survey for the identification of seahorse colonies. We were led to this area by information from local fishermen, where seahorses were caught in the past. The diving route was quite large, so 4 scuba divers were employed using underwater scooters (DPV), moving independently from each other to cover a wider part of the area to be explored. The diving routes were parallel to the coastline, at depths of -5 to -14m. Although the seafloor benthos was intense and covered with underwater life (shells, crustaceans, starfish and some shrimp hidden in the sand) no seahorses were found.

Follow-up on the previous survey, in the Karvunoskala stream, further south, in front of the mouth of the stream for the identification of seahorse colonies. Again, we were led to this area by information from local fishermen, where seahorses were caught in the past. The diving route was quite large, so 4 scuba divers were employed using underwater scooters (DPV), moving independently from each other to cover a wider part of the area to be explored. The diving routes were parallel to the coastline, at depths of -5 to -14m. Although the seafloor benthos was intense and covered with underwater life (shells, crustaceans, starfish and some shrimp hidden in the sand) no seahorses were found.

In addition, exploratory diving took place in Eleftherides for assessing and locating new diving sites, for diving and seahorse exploration, but no individual was found. Exploratory dives took place on the Thasos Island reef, with a head from -16 meters to – 55 meters. Impressive sea floor with particularly rich underwater life, visibility relatively good, no seahorses.

Scuba diving also took place in various locations, as well as on the two beaches south of “Eleftherides”, although they show similarities to Stratoni i.e. also sandy, no seahorses were found.

Diving on the Fiskas reef, at the beach of Kokkinolakas, we also went there after testimonials of professional and amateur fishermen. We started diving from the shallower part to -3m and a maximum depth of -30m. Visibility relatively good, very rich underwater life. No seahorses were observed.