Seahorse morphometry

Research Period: July & September 2016
Seahorse photographing procedure, recording of sex and size measurements (total length). The measurement is done with the use of a ruler, where the seahorse, aided by the divers deploys its total length (with the tail in full extent). Later we found out that the use of bare hands as well as the disturbance can cause complications to the fish and was therefore abandoned. After this information was received the measurements made were by placing the ruler parallel to the seahorse. The measurements taken were not as accurate, but we are now able to record their size (+/- 2mm) empirically, as accurately as possible.

All sampling results are listed in the survey log.



Male – Female Morphometry

A particularly small individual attached on the ropes of the meander

A small individual attached on a small tubeworm

Measuring the seahorse using a ruler

Measure the size of the fish with a ruler

Measuring the size a very small individual with a ruler.

Measuring a female individual

A particularly small seahorse who has found attached and taking shelter on the rope of the meander

Photographing, video recording and measuring of the seahorses

Another particularly small individual on the ropes of the meander

As many measurements as possible are taken