
For the orientation, identification and ease in locating the core of the seahorse colony we have delineated a square 50 by 50 meter area, using moorings attached to marked buoys (A, B, C, D) bearing a sign. By constructing four (4) “H” type metal beam moorings, where on one side a pocket was glued to attach the chain connected to a rope and then to another part of the chain in order to hold the buoy with the information sign straight. Each mooring has a sign with its name, both underwater on the metal beam and on the buoy, above the surface. Coordinates and precise depths were noted. In this way, the main area of research and study was delineated, and within this area the “meander” and artificial habitats for the seahorses were built.

More information and details can be found in the survey log.

Construction of moorings – buoys for the respective deployment depths The four buoys and the anchor buoy The buoy with the information sign

The buoy with the information sign at sea

The metal beam of the mooring – very soon every mooring was inhabited and turned into a an octopus den The basic area as seen from the fishing harbor The main area and the mooring